I totally stole this picture from facebook...but I just had to brag about the sweet little baby that joined our family on Thursday.
Meet Brooke Elizabeth. Hailey is going to be such a great big sister! Don't you just love those cheeks?? I am hoping to go see these cute girls over my spring break for a few days. Hopefully I can make that happen!!

In other news, in less than 2 weeks we will be moving in to our first real home! I am beyond excited! We went over to check it out yesterday (of course..it is part of the weekend routine now) and they have pretty much finished all of the painting, put down all the carpet, AND we have a fence in the back for the dogs! Not only a finished fence, but also a fence that is too high for Hudson to jump over. (we hope) He ran away yesterday..
for the 3rd time. I think he just likes adventure as well as giving his mama a heart attack. He was only gone for about 20 minutes and he found his way back on his own. Anywho...here are some pictures of the house!