I saw this on another blog...and I like sharing really random facts about yours truly:)
7 Things about me...
1. My nickname has been LoMo since middle school & it has carried on with me to this day. It has now been tweaked a little bit to Loma since my last name is different now:)
2. I have always wanted land. I would love to have a llama, mini horse, and some alpacas. Seriously.
3. The first graders I worked with in Batesville, MS taught me more about life than I taught them. I will always remember them.
4. My first big purchase was Jack. I walked into a pet store and he was sitting in a kennel all but himself. It was love at first sight. He was the best spur of the moment decision I have ever made!
5. I had SO much fun at our wedding. I am actually kind of sad that we don't get to do it again this summer! It was great having all of our friends and family in one room together celebrating with us! I would seriously get married every summer if I could:) haha
6. I pass out easily when I get overheated. I've passed out in showers, on the tennis court, laying out...i'm a wimp in the heat.
7. When I hear songs, they always remind me of specific moments in time. For example, Dashboard Confessional "Screaming Infidelties" reminds me being home the summer after my freshman year of college and driving around with my girls with the windows down.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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