Warning: These birds are here just to ease you into the next pictures. They are cute & fluffy...the other pics are not. If you don't like blood, seeeee ya! You won't want to read this entry.

Supper Club with the girls I work with was at my house last night. I was making enchiladas, so naturally I also had to make guacamole. Well, I am cutting the avocado with a very sharp knife when the knife slips. It sliced two of fingers...one was ok, the other was a huge bloody mess. I am hysterical so I call Ben who is on his way home from work. He arrives to see my finger is still attached (from the phone call he probably thought I chopped my whole arm off) but bleeding a ridiculous amount. (Mary took the next picture...this was 5 hours after "the slice" happened. STILL bleeding)

So apparently I'm not a good clotter. Ben bandaged me up so I wouldn't get blood all over the house, the girls came over and ate, and at 9:30 I took my bandage off. Yep, you guessed it, still bleeding. Soooo, I got to spend a couple of hours in the ER last night!

Let me just say that I do not suggest that anyone ever get a shot in their finger.
OUCH. I hate needles to begin with...but seriously, that was the worst part. My finger is actually still completely numb. Anywho, the nice ER lady sewed me up (
ick) while Ben watched excitedly (
even more ick) and I felt quite queasy.

VOILA! Here is my now useless left index finger. I am
never slicing an avocado again. Ever.
Nice pictures and awesome stitching...I still don't see how they stitch/see through the blood. So glad you blogged about it so we could see the rest!
omg!!! this is horrible! I hope it has healed!!
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