Over at Kelly's Korner today she did a Show Us Your Life: Pets. How could I pass that up?! I LOVE my pets! In fact, I don't really consider them my pets. They are my little babies. I love them more than anything!! So I thought I would give a little background knowledge on each of these special babies...

Meet Jack. Everyone thinks he is a baby, but he is our oldest! He is 5 years old...which is really hard for me to believe! He is my little chihuahua baby that weighs only 6.2lbs:)
One weekend during my sophomore year at Ole Miss, I ventured down to Jackson with my roommate. We had wanted a dog for our apartment & spent MANY occasions at the Oxford Shelter playing with pups. So that Friday afternoon we decided to stop at the Briarwood Vet/Pet Store. It had a wall of glass cages filled with teeny little puppies. Then in the corner I spotted the tiniest puppy I had ever seen. He was the only one without any litter mates. He looked so lonely! I put my finger on the glass and he put his paw out to touch me! It was love at first sight! I knew that I HAD to have him. I bought him and kept it a secret from my parents for 2 days. My mom called me that Sunday and asked what I was doing. I responded with "playing with my new puppy!" I will never forget that. She was mad..but later fell in love with this little boy:) He is my first baby and I love him so much!

Meet Hudson. He is about 2 1/2 years old. If you have ever driven through Mississippi, you will notice the abundance of stray dogs. It truly breaks my heart. Oxford is no acception. This little guy found his way into my yard during my senior year of college. We lived across from a pretty rough neighborhood that had tons of stray dogs. Hudson was so skinny when we first met. He would come up to me & my roommates and just want some love. We left out a big bowl of water and some blankets at first. He eventually started sleeping on our porch:) Then, we started giving him some food. He would come to our house every day and wait for us to come see him. When our neighbor threatened to take him the shelter, I panicked. I called Ben frantic and begged him to go pick him & take him to his backyard. When I came home from school that day, Huddy was ours! He had an embedded collar & has a nasty scar that proves his icky early life. He is so sweet with the best personality. He loves his mama but is a total daddy's boy! He is our BIG lap dog:)

This is my little girl, Ellie. Isn't she precious? She was definitely not planned! We walked into PetSmart this past May and there she was! She was 6 months old and had been in the shelter pretty much her whole life. The lady gave us a sob story about how this was her last chance at being adopted. Our hearts sank...and it didn't help that she looks JUST like Hudson! I mean really...they could pass for litter mates! We took her home that day & she immediately fit in with our little family. She ADORES her big brother, Hudson. They are best friends. She thinks her other big brother, Jack, is a little funny when he tries to fight her:) She is a crazy little girl but we love her fun personality. She completes the fur family:)