*How far along?: 18 weeks and 1 day...seriously? almost halfway there?!
*How big is your baby? about 5.5 inches long...the size of a sweet potato
*Total weight gain?: my scale says about 2lbs. I never know.
*Sex: we find out in 9 DAYS!!!!
*Maternity clothes: my shirts still fit...wearing maternity pants.
*Stretch marks: Nope. I am lathering up with my Mama Mio lotion once or twice a day. I am really hoping it works!
*Sleep: Great...I've been tired!
*Best moment this week: We gave Caron a baby shower for little Molly Cate!!
*Best moment this week: We gave Caron a baby shower for little Molly Cate!!
*Movement: not yet...hoping I can feel it any day now!
*Food cravings: fruit, cape cod salt & vinegar chips, and chocolate milk...still not a fan of sweets right now which is weirding me out!
*Food cravings: fruit, cape cod salt & vinegar chips, and chocolate milk...still not a fan of sweets right now which is weirding me out!
*Labor signs: nope
*Belly button in or out: in
*Belly button in or out: in
*What I miss: margaritas!!
*What I'm looking forward to: getting REALLY excited about finding out what this baby is on the 27th! Our little babe needs a name!
Laura you are at such an exciting time of your pregnancy! Find out the sex is the best! I cant wait to see what you will name him/her. We threw Caron's Sunday school shower at my house today and I told her I want to meet all of yall! Maybe we can get together for lunch on a Saturday?
Finally. I expect this weekly picture on a Saturday, my friend! You still look awesome in that black t-shirt. I'm with you...I can't wait for little baby sweet potato to have a gender and a name.
I'm so excited for you Laura! We had a shower for fellow SOE alum (Jacque Gipson). So much fun. Coley (my dog) was so intrigued by the belly!!! I'm sure the fur babies are loving you/
Laura, if you have any questions regarding pregnancy, i'll be more than happy to help if I can. it hasn't been long (almost 9 months to be exact)since my last pregnancy. one thing I always tell any one expecting..please read, "Babywise". it's such a great book and truly your baby will be sleeping by 12 weeks. both of my girls were.
you are super cute by the way.
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