baby shower!
28 weeks
*How far along?: 28 weeks
*How big is your baby?: a head of cauliflower (sorry, no veg pic this week!) a little over 2.5lbs!
*Total Weight Gain?: I'm guessing about 10...we will find out on Wednesday--little nervous!
*Sex: BOY! Grayson Benjamin:)
*Maternity Clothes?: yes. I miss my old clothes. wah.
*Stretch Marks?: not yet--Mama Mio is doing its job!
*Sleep?: horrible...guess I am getting prepared for a baby. My ribs are killing me & I can't get comfortable!
*Best Moment This Week: We had a baby shower in Georgia...Grayson got SPOILED!! :) It was so fun!
*Food Cravings?: anything cold...I feel like I am melting over here in Nashville!
*Labor Signs?: nope
*Belly Button In or Out: it is officially flat and it is the weirdest thing ever.
*What I Miss: sleeeeeeep!!!!
*What I'm Looking Forward To: getting Grayson's nursery finished! Mom is making curtains this week and then I will start making the letters for his name:)
celebrating my day o' birth.
The big 2-5!
- I am lactose intolerant but love all milk products. It's a cruel world we live in.
- At one point during my senior year of college, me and my best friend Whitney drove through a not-so-fab neighborhood and discovered a new litter of puppies. We went so far as to crawl under a broken down car in the front yard of some guy's house to save these little guys.
- I love country music...but I only listen to it seasonally. Something about Spring and Summer make country music even better.
- It used to drive me crazy when people would not like me...especially if they really had no reason. During this past year I have learned to just not care. Life is too short to worry about petty people.
- I hate confrontation. Makes my tummy hurt.
- My hips aren't straight. I call them my 'wonky hips.' They turn out and pop when I walk.
- I've wanted to have a baby (or 4 or 5..) for as long as I can remember.
- I am more afraid of the epidural than I am of the actual 'birth the baby from your crotch' process. That needle looks awful!!
- I overheat easily. By easily I mean I almost passed out getting my hair highlighted yesterday.
- I love sock monkeys. I am on the search for the perfect sock monkey for Grayson.
- The Huggies jean diaper commercial makes me laugh SO hard. I really want to buy a pack for Grayson.
- I'm always people watching wherever I go. WalMart, the beach, and the airport are my favorite people watching spots.
- I loved college. I am getting more and more sentimental about my college experience the older I get.
- Cats freak me out. They are so weird.
- I could eat my weight in watermelon.
- Ben and I talk FOR our dogs all the time. Seriously. They all have a special voice.
- I am afraid of the moment when Grayson has a meltdown in a public place. I get nervous and sweaty just watching other moms try to calm down a spastic toddler.
- I'm a daydreamer who always thinks about how my life will be in the future.
- I love to dance. Favorite thing to do in Oxford, hands down, is go to the Library when DJ Mario is there and shake my tail feather!
- Which brings me to...the fact that I am very white and very much enjoy rap.
- I love Christopher Bridges. You probably don't even know who he is.
- I have had the same celebrity crush since 8th grade: Justin Timberlake. I think I would be a puddle of mush if I ever got to meet him. Have you seen that boy dance? A-mazing.
- I still have the febreze air effects spray that smells like a Christmas tree. It smells SO good.
- I listen to Justin Beiber. Don't hate.
- I am pretty sure that my 25th year will be my favorite year so far. Can't wait!
happy father's day!
- He is a really good sport. There are quite a few pictures of us when I was little where he is letting me put rollers in his hair and make him all pretty...hehe
- He is the most loyal Georgia fan I have ever met. Rain, shine, hot August weather, or freezing cold fall weather...he will be in Sanford stadium wearing all black and red...cheering on his Dawgs. He's the reason I love SEC football!
- He makes me laugh. I loved going on family vacations with just my parents growing up...my dad can be pretty goofy and can always make us laugh!
- He's a good listener. I know I can always call my dad...even when he is at work...and talk his ear off & I know he will always listen!
- He works really hard to provide for his family. He let me go to the college of my choice even though it was out of state and for that I will always be greatful!
- He gives good advice. Enough said:)
- He loves a clean car. His motto is: "A clean car reflects it owner." Haha:) ...and, he's always clean! Guess it's true.
- He will be a GREAT Grandpa to Grayson...I can't wait to see it in action!
27 weeks

*How big is your baby?: cucumber...measuring about 15 inches now from head to toe & weighs about 2.2lbs!
*Maternity clothes: yes indeed. I miss my old clothes!
*Stretch marks: None yet! I have been lathering cocoa butter on a couple times a day and then use my tummy rub at night. Seems to be doing the trick!
*Sleep: I am sleeping great...making about 2 bathroom trips every single night though! Boo for that.
*Food cravings: anything cold! I am loving Purity Sweet Lemon popsicles and FroYo:)
*Labor signs: no...but every night my back starts hurting and I can't get comfy
*Belly button in or out: in & starting to look funny
*What I miss: laying out on my tummy
*What I'm looking forward to: our shower in Georgia this coming Saturday!!
Blog Hop--Wedding style!

bedding, glider, and a baby model.
just call me katie jones.