Summer is HERE and I can't tell you how nice it has been to not have to wake up to an alarm clock! I've been kinda slack about updates so get ready for a recap of the first week (plus some) of my summer break...
We got out of school on the 21st (hallelujah!) and I headed down to Atlanta shortly after for a wedding! What was supposed to be a 3 hour 15 minute trip turned into an absolute nightmare. Remember that lovely flood we had a few weeks ago? It is still causing problems. As soon as I got to Grundy County, TN (yep. just like the song.) I had to put my car in park. I sat. and sat. and sat. Stupid flood caused a huge sinkhole that made me sit for THREE HOURS. I told you..nightmare! But, alas, I made it to Atlanta...just in time to go to bed. :)

Ben had yesterday off of work AND is off today! That never happens..I feel like a giddy teenager trying to plan "dates" for us to do. Any ideas?
We were very productive yesterday and made 2 big purchases...we bought the glider AND a new camera! We ordered that glider in chocolate brown yesterday & got the ottoman for FREE thanks to Caron and her couponing skills. :) I have been wanting a nice camera for a long time and we figured now was the time since we will have a really fun new baby to photograph soon! We got the Nikon D3000 and I can't wait to figure it out! The pups may or may not be my subjects for the next few months...
1 comment:
I'm pretty sure I'm jealous you are off all summer!!! GRRR you teachers! :)
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