
31 weeks

The picture below is dedicated to Mary. She lurves her some veggie/fruit pics. I don't have a head of lettuce on hand, Mary, so a box of "mixed greens" will have to do! Ha!
*How far along?: 31 weeks and 1 day
*How big is your baby?: a head of lettuce..about 3.4-3.5lbs
*Total weight gain?:13lbs
*Sex: BOY! Grayson Benjamin:)
*Maternity clothes: boo hiss. that's all I have to say about that.
*Stretch marks: Because of the 'stretchmark-on-upper-leg scare' I am now lathering my tummy rub ALL over. I'm paranoid.
*Sleep: Eh...when I'm sleeping, I am sleeping well. My sides start hurting though in the middle of the night and I have to change positions all. night. long.
*Best moment this week: I am starting to really organize his things in the nursery...bought a few baskets to hold these gazillion tiny things that babies require! Also got my diaper bag...love it! Oh, and wanna give a shout out to my hubby who saved all 11,000 pictures from my dying computer last night. 11,000 pictures...take a minute and let that sink in. I can't imagine how many I will have next year.
*Food cravings: anything cold! I am loving Purity Sweet Lemon popsicles and FroYo:)
*Labor signs: not yet...I think he is sitting lower because it all of a sudden feels much heavier!
*Belly button in or out: ew...it is out AND in. Totally grosses me out.
*What I miss: wearing regular clothes!!
*What I'm looking forward to: scheduling a tour of L & D at the hospital...calling this week!