
is it only Tuesday?

When Grayson started chatting in his crib at 4:45am (oh em gee.) I really thought it was Sunday. In my head, I had the whole day to enjoy with my boys. At 5:15 I suddenly realized...I had to go to work today. Womp, womp, womp...I much prefer Sundays over Tuesdays. This is G and I before church on Sunday. I told Ben I am the one always taking the pictures and I needed one with my baby boy. Speaking of church, Grayson is doing great at the church nursery...he loves chatting with the ladies in there!
Look at what this big 5 month old has been practicing lately! Grayson loves sitting up all by himself...so much that he kicks and flails and makes himself topple over. That part he doesn't love so much.
I just can't get over how big he is getting!
I used to dread our late afternoons. Grayson would suddenly turn in to Mr. Crankypants at 4:30 and we would have to fight to keep him up until 6:00. Hence, how the 5:00am wake ups began...
Anywho, I guess we have passed that phase because now the afternoons are so. much. fun!
Seriously, I can't get home quick enough to see this face.