Grayson is now 10 months old! In case you are bad at math, that means he is now only 2 months away from turning 1! {cue panic mode.}
Here are G's 10 month stats:
Weight: according to our scale...19lbs
Height: no idea, but I do know that he is longer! His 12 month footies we just bought him are already too tight! I would guess about 29in.
Clothes: a few 9 month outfits still fit but we are transitioning into all 12 month clothes!
Diaper: size 3 during the day & size 4 at night
One big thing that happened over the last month is that Grayson is now completely off of baby food! He is such a big boy and is only eating table food. It has been a struggle to get him to try new foods, but I just have to keep reminding myself that he won't always just want a grilled cheese sandwich! Here are a few of his favorite foods: grilled cheese (I am now adding some chicken/turkey to these), hot dogs, chicken nuggets--the MorningStar fake-out nuggets are great!, goldfish, baby mum mums, peaches, nectarines, grapes, cinnamon raisin toast, ravioli, and those new fig newton crackers. Grayson still has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom, however, he is currently working on some bottom molars!

It's hard to believe that G has been a crawler for 2 months now. He moves at lightning speed! Seriously. I put him down & 2 seconds later he will be dumping out the dog bowl or pulling a wallflower out of a socket (mama of the year award, right?!). Grayson is still pulling up on everything. In the past week, he has actually taken a few steps by himself!! He took 5 steps last Thursday trying to get to Jack--typical; and, he took about 3 steps by himself this weekend at our reunion! We are doing a lot of practice with this whole walking business. I think he will take off before his 11 month birthday! :) ...and it won't be to get to his mama, it will be to chase his 3 dogs!
Here are a few new tricks Grayson can do:
- say "da da"
- say "ba ba"
- clap on command
- mimic sounds that we make
- we are learning to eat off of a plate -- messy, messy, messy..
- crawls all over the baby pool and feels like such a big boy while doing so
- throws a tennis ball to Jack
- drink out of his sippy cup 100% by himself
- fall asleep on his own instead of being rocked...big change for this mama! He will only cry for a minute or so & then lay down and fall asleep.
- crawl up our stairs
Some of Grayson's favorite things at 10 months are: his sippy cup, a little red bird toy that we call "Tweet Tweet," standing in the baby pool and playing with toys, walking all over the hardwoods in his walker, Baby Beethoven--this saves us on longer car trips!, his 2 push toys--the firetruck & car, going down the slide, eating whole peaches & nectarines, and making funny faces & getting people to copy them.
reading to his monkey friend |
Grayson is finally showing more interest in his books which makes me so happy! I have incorporated this into our new bedtime routine and I love sitting with him and reading books. I hope he loves to read! His favorite books right now are his Peek-A-Boo books.
Grayson's personality is so much fun! He has started making funny grunting noises and loves it when people copy him. Ben and G will go back and forth making noises with each other & G just laughs and laughs! Grayson is so talkative lately. I really wish I knew what he was saying! After we do something fun, he just babbles he is telling me all about what just happened!
I'm so glad he loves the llama book:) |
Grayson finished his first music class this month with his cute friend Ruby. They both loved it! He is a social butterfly & I think I want to enroll him in a Gymboree class for the fall. I'm sure he would love spending more time with other babies his age!
Can you tell that these photoshoots get harder & harder each month?? G is an active boy. He is much too busy for his mama's camera. This kid is on the go & is into everything. The poor sock monkey was getting manhandled during our shoot:)
This is what happened at the end of our photoshoot. Meltdown. No more pictures, mama!! |
I can't believe that 10 months has passed since this sweet little boy came into this world. I can't believe that I am already starting to plan his 1st birthday! I say it every month, but time is just flying by. This stage is so fun. I am soaking it all up because I know that toddlerhood is quickly approaching!
Happy 10 months, little G!