I've been thinking about my first family beach trip for as long as I can remember. I was that kid that brought her dolls everywhere. During our beach trips growing up I would watch cute families with little kids on the beach playing in the sand and I couldn't wait to have my own baby to bring to the beach. Well, like I said in my post yesterday...when you think you have planned something perfectly, your baby will probably change your plans.
The whole week before we left, Grayson had a horrible stomach virus. He threw up for 8 days. It was awful & he was pitiful. He is also a teething maniac right now & is miserable. So, we left with an unhappy babe. I was hoping the beach would cheer him up. G usually loves exploring new places & always crawls around in our neighborhood baby pool...I figured he would love crawling around in the sand close to the water. wrong. My typically happy boy hated the sand & the waves scared him. He had a beach meltdown. SO, we only spent about 2 hours at the beach during our vacation. I won't even talk about how I don't have a family picture on the beach in G's cute white linen outfit because I might cry. again.
I loved having Ben off of work all week. I loved spending time with my little family. But, it was not at all what I had pictured it to be. I feel like God was teaching me to roll with the punches a little bit better...I can't always plan things perfectly and things won't always run smoothly. Next year will be more fun! The good news is that G was a trooper in the car both ways AND is finally 100% back to himself (with 2 new teeth!) after 2 weeks of feeling yucky. Happy baby=happy mama.
This was right after arrived from our 9 hour car ride...not so bad the first time! |
Ben & Grayson |
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My observant little guy...always checking out something/someone! |
Proof we actually sat on the beach!! We bought a baby pool for G to sit in. Crazy kid didn't even like water in it! Dry pool + goldfish + beach toys = happiness for 30 minutes. |
Yea! You made it through a tough beach trip!! I bet he will do better the next time his toes touch the sand. He still looked so precious....hopefully being a mini beach bum is in his future! Good luck next time!
I am living the same sad thing right now sister. I've been daydreaming about taking my babe up to our family timeshare for one thousand years and hear we are with a sick dude. It's not terrible, but it isn't ideal.
Don't the health gods know we had vacation plans?
At least it looks like you were able to have some fun moments! Kids can be so funny about stuff!
Aw he is so cute!! Not sure how my little guy will like the sand and water either..but such a fun memory!
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