It's time to say SO WHAT with Shannon again! Go link up with Life After I Dew so that you can play along..you know you want to! This week I'm saying SO WHAT if...
- I bought my 4th Christmas tree last night at Hobby Lobby? You can never have too much Christmas cheer. PLUS it was only $25. no big deal.
- I splurged and got a spicy chicken sandwich at Chick Fil A last night? I have been doing so great with sticking to my points but I needed a fountain diet coke and spicy sandwich!!
- I have already addressed most of our Christmas cards and it's not even Thanksgiving? For once in my life I am ahead of the game!
- I keep trying on tunics, thinking they would look great with leggings, & then get home and they are too short? Apparently I have bad dressing room judgement.
- G still sleeps in a sleep sack? Apparently they make very few large (12-18mon) sleep sacks. We need new ones & it has been like finding a needle in a hay stack. Nowhere to be found.
- Grayson and I have been listening to the Biebs Christmas album every time we ride in the car? don't judge. It is that good.
- I did a little happy dance over the fact that Teen Mom #2 starts in a few weeks? That show makes me feel good about my life. I can't wait to hear "JENNNNNEEEELLLLLLEEEEEEE" on a weekly basis. (That's not as good as BEEEEEEEEEEENTLEY)
- I have been mentally obsessing over BlissDom for the past month? It's so convenient and all my favorite bloggers are going. Well, almost. Obviously I stand up well against adult peer pressure. C'mon, JEN!!! Let's get on it!
Okay, that's all yours truly she wrote. What are you saying SO WHAT to?!
I am DYING for Teen mom 2 to come back! Jennelle and her family make me cringe, but I love Chelsea and her dad. They're so funny together.
I am DYING for Teen mom 2 to come back! Jennelle and her family make me cringe, but I love Chelsea and her dad. They're so funny together.
yay for teen mom!!
I LOVE me some Teen Mom. Validates all of my life choices. Every. Single. One.
What's great about WW is that Chick-fil-A is within the points...that's what WPs are for! I've lost after a cheeseburger/cheese enchilada/booze filled weekend. Granted, I can't do that every week, but a Chick-fil-A stop is totally fine!
WooHoo! So excited for Teen Mom. I seen the preview last night, it looks good. :) & Kaylee slept in a sleep sack til she was like 11 months. I swear it was like weaning a baby from a bottle. lol. It was so hard to get her out of it. We had a few rough nights but it worked out. Shes 3 now, still likes to be tucked in, but no more sleep sacks! lol.
$25 dollars dang great deal I do so want that tree esp if it is normal sized...I wish I was as ahead of the game as you are. Can you give me some of your spunk/energy? n teen mom 2 cannot get here fast enough :)however I must admit Jenelle gets on my last nerve I cannot stand a mother whom does not care about her child....
Aiden and ani (I may have spelled that wrong) but they have sleep sacks and they run really big they come small medium or large maybe you can try those
Chickfila! Chickfila!!
Carsyn will be swaddled til she's 4.. I kid you not.
I just LOVE your So What Wednesdays!
Teen Mom....Yes, please! I'm so glad you told me so I can be on the lookout for it. Can't wait to see all those trees trimmed for Christmas!
No shame on buying a 4th tree!
I LOVE Teen Mom!!!!! The original cast is my favorite, but never miss an epsiode of TM2 either. The promo looks intense - lots of drama. I can't wait!!
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