It's Wednesday. Know what that means? It's time to get your SO WHAT on! This week I am saying SO WHAT if...
- I feel like a better mama when I get breaks during the week with MOPS & bible studies? I am pretty sure G enjoys those breaks too.
- I made a special trip to Publix 2 nights ago for a big bag of skittles? Baby Dos wanted them, not me. And? They were on sale for $2.99. I'm thinking that means it was meant to be, right?
- I am kind of obsessed with MTV's new showed, Caged? Trashy Lousiana cage fighting reality show? You had me at trashy.
- it is driving me CRAZY not knowing what we are having yet? There are SO MANY great sales/consignments going on right now & I want some matching sibling clothes!
- I did not watch the Golden Globes? B to the Oring. I just watch the morning shows to see the dresses. AND with that said, Reese Witherspoon was my favorite.
- I am about 8 months behind on G's photobooks? oops. I will be caught up by the time Baby Dos arrives.
Go link up with Shannon for So What! Wednesday & join in the fun!
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