There is a debate currently going on in our house & it's one that deals with the sleep of EVERYONE (you heard that right, hubs) in our house:
To keep G in a crib or move him to a toddler bed before baby Dos arrives?
In my head, there is a simple answer. Keep the toddler caged for as long as possible!
Our kids will be 22 months a part. This is kind of an awkward age gap. Some kids are ready for a big bed at the age of 2 & some kids stay in the crib until 3. Grayson has shown no signs of wanting to sleep anywhere but in his comfy crib with his froggy lovies, black out curtains, white noise, and soft classical music playing in the background. Really? He's got it made in the shade...his room sounds like a spa! He's never tried to climb out and he's never fought being in there. In my head I am thinking, why mess with a good thing?
Ben is not completely sold on this idea yet. He's not in total disagreement, but he also isn't gung-ho "let's buy another crib!" His thought process is different: Do we really need to spend the money on a second crib?
Here's what I am afraid of: If we move G to a toddler bed in early summer, what if he never gets used to it before the baby comes? What if we are up at night with a newborn AND a toddler? What if it totally messes up my child who has been such a great sleeper for the last 13 months of his life?! What if we never sleep again?! (Okay, now I'm being a bit dramatic.)
It's funny how a big debate used to be where to go on vacation or where to go out to Cribs and toddler beds. Well, that and boy names. Don't even get me started!

Mamas of 2 or more, any advice??
In my head, there is a simple answer. Keep the toddler caged for as long as possible!
Our kids will be 22 months a part. This is kind of an awkward age gap. Some kids are ready for a big bed at the age of 2 & some kids stay in the crib until 3. Grayson has shown no signs of wanting to sleep anywhere but in his comfy crib with his froggy lovies, black out curtains, white noise, and soft classical music playing in the background. Really? He's got it made in the shade...his room sounds like a spa! He's never tried to climb out and he's never fought being in there. In my head I am thinking, why mess with a good thing?
Ben is not completely sold on this idea yet. He's not in total disagreement, but he also isn't gung-ho "let's buy another crib!" His thought process is different: Do we really need to spend the money on a second crib?
Here's what I am afraid of: If we move G to a toddler bed in early summer, what if he never gets used to it before the baby comes? What if we are up at night with a newborn AND a toddler? What if it totally messes up my child who has been such a great sleeper for the last 13 months of his life?! What if we never sleep again?! (Okay, now I'm being a bit dramatic.)
It's funny how a big debate used to be where to go on vacation or where to go out to Cribs and toddler beds. Well, that and boy names. Don't even get me started!

Mamas of 2 or more, any advice??
Oh gosh...I totally see your side of this!!! Having just been up at night with a newborn I can't imagine another kiddo wanting my attention at that hour of the night! HA! I say keep him happy!!! And I know I'm just a mama to one but when I was younger my parents had to put me in a bed at a super early age...I'm thinking before I turned one. But that's because I LOVED to climb and JUMP out of my crib. I didn't just climb out, my mom said they watched me and I would literally fling my body across the room from my crib! They were terrified, so in the bed I went! HA! :-)
I plan on keeping KP in her crib as long as humanly possible! I am not ready to deal with her getting out of bed 5 million times a night b/c she can. Although I am not with child and she's never tried to climb out of her crib, so I guess it's easy for me to say.
I say find a cheap crib and have them BOTH in a crib! Don't mess with a good thing! E's staying in his crib till he's a teenager if he has too!
You know my feelings on this. Keep G confined as long as possible and don't mess with his routine. Tell Ben he can get up with G and you will get up with the baby. That might change his mind... It did for Brian! :)
Keep the crib!!!!! We moved our daughter to a toddler bed when she was 2 and it was HELL! She hated it! She would not sleep in it at all, even when I laid down with her (even at 5 ft, I could barely squeeze in there) and she screamed so much that she lost her voice. We put the crib back up after 2 days and she was happy again. She never once tried to climb out and she stayed in there until she was 3. It's definitely something I wouldn't mess with!
between all 4 of ours, we have done it both ways. my advice, keep him in the crib!!!!!
I think about this, and I'm not even pregnant with baby #2. I'm with you, initially...don't mess with a good thing...and I'd be just as scared about lack of sleep because of a toddler AND a newborn. I'm with you. ;) Keep us posted.
Keep him in the crib until he climbs out, rule of thumb! But once he turns the bed it is!
With Kaylee, we switched her on her 2nd birthday. It was a breeze with her, but... I know SOOO many people who tried to switch at two, or a little before and their results weren't as easy. I say keep the crib for a little longer. With a new baby its definitely going to be a big adjustment for him. Adding a toddler bed too, would be a lot for a little guy. :)
I totally and completely feel you here! Although I am not with child, we are planning on moving soon. We have an offer in on a short sale, so I was thinking about changing Chloe over to a toddler bed soon to get her used to it so that I could make her a big girl room with big girl bed...but then I thought about it again, and decided that I can still decorate her big girl room and keep her in the crib and transfer her when she's ready. So, I think that's what were going to do. But, for's obviously not that easy of an issue to deal with. So, I wish you all the best and hope that your little dude does well with whatever decision you make!
I would NOT mess with a good thing. Buy a much cheaper 2nd crib and let sleeping babies sleep!
I'm totally outnumbered on this one...but hear me out.
1. It takes ONE time for a toddler to climb out of a crib and break his/her neck. I'm a physical therapist and no more details are needed on this opinion of mine:)
2. Sophie was 22 months when we moved her to a queen sized bed and she transistioned perfectly. We put child-proof handles on her door so she couldn't wonder through the house at night and rails on the sides of her bed with lots of comfy pillows. (No different then them not being able to get out of a crib!) She slept longer and better then she ever did in crib!
3. This has taught her independence and she is able to get out of bed now (3 yrs 3 mos)play with her books in the morning, go to the potty, etc. until I come get her.
-Overall-I wouldn't do it any other way.
My sister has kids very close in age (approx 18 months). She bought my niece a toddler bed before niece #2 was born, and #1 transitioned beautifully!
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