
19 weeks with Baby BOY Dos

*How far along?: 19 weeks
*Total weight gain?: 7 pounds
*How big is baby?: a mango
*Sex: sweet baby boy...who will remain Baby Dos until we can come up with a name!
*Maternity clothes: wearing all maternity pants and hating them.
*Stretch marks: Nope.
*Sleep: pretty good when G decides to sleep all night!
*Symptoms: I'm just feeling big all of a sudden...when I sit down, I look pregnant & not just fat.
*Best moment this week: We got to see our baby boy & it literally only took the ultrasound tech 10 seconds to find the goods. Trust me, he is ALL boy! I am so excited that we will have boys so close in age! ALSO? I am HALFWAY through this pregnancy already. How did that happen?!
*Movement: not yet...this baby was SO still at the ultrasound; very different from my OB appointment last week. Maybe he's not as active as I thought?
*Food cravings: nothing new!
 *Labor signs: hopefully not anytime soon!
*Belly button in or out: in
*What I miss: my toddler consistently sleeping 11-12 hours at night:) I know, I need practice...but at 19 weeks?!
*What I'm looking forward to: naming this baby! 


Mallorie said...

EEE!!!! :-) Can't wait to hear names!!!!

Happiness Is... said...

So exciting to be halfway done! I hope when it's time for #2 that we have a boy so that we'd have brothers close in age, too!

Crystal Seed said...

Congrats on boy #2!!!! How exciting is that?!

Margie said...

a boy!!!!! so excited for you guys!