This week I am saying SO WHAT if...
- I practically begged for an elliptical 3 years ago & it's now been sitting in our garage for 2 years? Do you want it? Anyone?? Bueller?
- I won't drink water unless it's in my Tervis or other insulated straw cups? I'm not sure why, but I seriously will only drink it during the day if it's in one of my special water cups!
- I was REALLY excited when Tori Spelling announced earlier in the week that she's pregnant again? Hello, Irish twins! (secretly I think this would be fun to have) I love Tori and Dean & they make cute kids!
- I'm afraid I will look like J Simp towards the end of this pregnancy? 1. Her boobs are so big that it looks like she can't breathe. 2. Pleaseeeeeee don't let me get fat face...pleeaasssseeeeee!
- I went to bed at 8:45 one night this week?
- I get so sad every Wednesday when I turn on the tv & SVU isn't a new episode? It's such a let down. I already miss Stabler...why you gotta hold out on me, NBC??
Go link up with Shannon so you can say SO WHAT!
I would totally take the elliptical if i had the space!
I love that Tori is pregnant again, but I may or may not have run out and bought a pregnancy test, realizing how possible it is to get pregnant so soon after giving birth! No new baby for us... yet ;-)
If I lived close enough to you, I would totally take that elliptical off your hands! I am dying to have one.
I love Tori Spelling and I think they have the cutest, more fun family ever! I like how hands on of a mom she is, especially compared to the rest of hollywood.
I am totally in mourning over Stabler's absence. I'm going to watch the new season of True Blood just to get a dose of him. How could he leave Olivia like that??
OMG I adore Tori & Dean too! We have children 1 year 1 week apart so I think EVERYONE should expire kids close together :)
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