
31 weeks with Griffin

*How far along?: 31 weeks...all morning I thought I was 32 weeks. Sorry, 2nd baby. You are harder to keep track of!
*How big is your baby?: head of lettuce...over 3 pounds!
*Total weight gain?: 17ish pounds
*Sex: boy!
*Maternity clothes: sooo...here's my rant: the spandex panel is like wearing a sauna suit; my shirts are getting too short or show too much boobage; my bras are uncomfortable; I pretty much only like to wear dresses.
*Stretch marks: not yet & crossing my fingers it stays that way!
 *Movement: Griffin moves a lot (still at night...hmph) and his movements are getting really strong.
*Sleep: awful, horrible, no good. HOWEVER, I took a benadryl last night and slept for the first time in 3 night...amazing. 
*Symptoms: Is walking up the stairs and being out of breath a symptom?
*Best moment this week: Grayson's room is ALL DONE...other than the fact that we can't find a bookshelf we like. We hung a bunch of other things in the house, too. Hello, nesting.
*Food cravings: fruit & anything cold!
*Labor signs: just some BH contractions
*Belly button in or out: out. I don't want to talk about it.
*What I miss: a normal belly button.
*What I'm looking forward to: hanging Griffin's name in his room!


Crystal Seed said...

I don't know if it's just the dress that you're wearing, but it looks like Griffin may have dropped?? You look sooo good though!

Happiness Is... said...

Is it me or is time flying?!? You look great! How far apart will they be again?

Stephanie said...

I am so jealous of all you are doing for Griffin?!!? I can't wait to start working on Petite's nursery and start showing more!

Ashleigh Nichole said...

Awe the sweet little one will be here before you know it! eek is Grayson excited?

Mallorie said...

Ditto on all of the clothes issues! I decided last summer that all maternity clothing wants women to show off the ladies. I constantly had to wear a cami underneath. As if it wasn't HOT enough...I had to wear TWO shirts! HA!