This week I am saying SO WHAT if...
- I've turned into the mom that wears comfy clothes instead of "real" clothes about 96% of the time?
- I sat in Ben's tailgating chair in the shady garage while G ran around in the driveway playing? Some may call that lazy; I call it genius.
- I had a huge bowl of cheerios as a snack this afternoon?
- my hair hasn't seen a blow dryer in about a week?
- I cried big, fat crocodile tears when we finished Hatfields & McCoys earlier this week? I'm already hormonal and that ending just pushed me over the edge.
- I stalk the baby birds in my backyard? STALK. I feel like their second mama.
- I think Teen Mom is a complete trainwreck but I CAN'T LOOK AWAY? I want to adopt Leah.
- I obsessively check my roses outside for those dang japanese beetles at least 5 times a day? Those things have ruined my flowers and it makes me angry. I've pretty much started a war in my yard with tiny bugs. That's normal, right?
Don't forget to link up with Shannon @ L.A.I.D for So What Wednesday!
This is wrong, I know it is and I'm okay with it: The real reason I watch Teen Mom is because I makes me feel like I've got it all together as a person and that I am going to be a fabulous Mom. (hangs head in shame)
WE LOVED HATFIELDS & MCCOYS! I want to rewatch it because I'm sure I missed things! Great show!
WE LOVED HATFIELDS & MCCOYS! I want to rewatch it because I'm sure I missed things! Great show!
finding a shady spot to safely watch your little one is totally okay! Especially with a bun in the oven :)
For a second I was wondering why you wanted to adopt Leah (the twins' mom). Then I figured it out. The fact that I spent time thinking about that is just sad ;)
I know, I really feel bad for Leah too!! Amber is just an idiot!!
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