I feel like I blinked & now it's almost Christmas. I guess I took a little bit of a blogging break. Oops! I didn't mean to; life has kind of been getting in the way. We've had a lot going on!
- Last week the sickies invaded our home.
Poor Grayson woke up in the middle of the night last Saturday throwing up. He was sick off & on until Tuesday. Toddlers & the stomach bug don't mix. G was PITIFUL & for the first time ever was cuddly and fell asleep on the couch. Thankfully Griffin didn't get the bug & we are all healthy now!
- It took me seriously 3 weeks to decorate for Christmas. THREE WEEKS. Children make everything take so much longer. I even broke my own rule this year & started before Thanksgiving because I knew it would take forever. BUT? I am finished & I am happy. I never want to take it down.
- I have been having way too much fun dressing the boys up in all their Christmas clothes. G rarely agrees to stop & pose for a picture. Thankfully Griffin doesn't have a choice yet since he can't move.
He's the happiest elf I have ever seen. I mean, really, how ridiculous is this outfit? Thanks, Target.
- I took Griffin to his 4 month appointment on Thursday. He was SUCH a ham. It was hysterical. Our pediatrician was asking me if he was rolling yet and as soon as I said "no," Griffin rolled from his back to belly. Seriously. Such a show off. We also learned that Griff may be even more of a peanut that his big brother was...he's rocking the 5th percentile for weight! (wish I could say he got that from his mama) After his appointment we tried rice cereal for the first time. Griffin was pretty unimpressed.

- The boys have been so sweet together lately. Griffin is trying so hard to sit up by himself & it's making it easier for the boys to interact. Griffin loves Grayson. He's a mama's boy but I think Grayson might be his favorite person. He just smiles and laughs at him all day! The other night Grayson wanted Griffin to read a book with him. I sat them on the couch together & had one of those "I can't believe they are mine" moments.
When did Griffin get so big?!
Hopefully I'll get back on the blogging bandwagon. Sometimes it's nice to step away & just live life!
Love that Elf outfit....he's too cute! The picture of both of them reading is priceless.
Oh, that outfit! Melt my heart! He IS a ham! So sweet!
The bond those boys have is absolutely precious. Love all the sweet pictures!
I just can't get over how cute these boys are together! Just amazing how much they love each other! And that little elf outfit for Griff....so stinkin cute!! And his smile, he's like "Yeaaaaaa, I'm cute!!"
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