
Menu Monday

I spent the weekend away from my boys (for the first time!) & now it is time to get back in our routine! I'm having so much fun looking up new recipes & trying new foods each week. It's keeping me from getting stuck in the "we eat the same thing every week" rut. Sure we have our staples (hello, Taco Cups!), but I enjoy broadening our food horizon. 

Here is our menu this week:

I like my lunches to be simple & things that I can sometimes make ahead. I've pretty much given up carbs (wah) so I've been eating lots of salad. This week for lunch I will be making this Grilled Honey-Orange Chicken salad. I'll cook 3 chicken breasts ahead of time & use them throughout the week!

Monday: something easy--probably a Morning Star spicy black bean burger

Tuesday: pancakes & bacon

Wednesday: Herb-Crusted pork chops, sauteed squash, & potatoes for the hubby

Thursday: grilled chicken (YAY FOR GRILLING WEATHER!), roasted garlic cous cous, & roasted veggies (zucchini, squash, & onion)

Friday: Spaghetti (made with spaghetti squash)

Saturday: leftovers

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