1. Last night I went to my first ever Tae Bo class. We have a relatively new studio nearby and I tried my first class for free. It was SO fun! Our teacher was actually the son in law of Billy Blanks...so, it was the real deal. Best part? The 450 calories burned in one hour just doing the basic class!
2. Griffin's 1st birthday party is in the works! I decided on a carnival theme & I have people working on his invitation and outfit right now. I'm excited to see it all come together!

3. I have discovered my new favorite summer breakfast: multigrain toast, avocado, & a fried egg. I cook my egg in coconut oil and I swear it cooks better than any other method!
4. We leave for the beach on Sunday night and I am SO EXCITED. I need a vacation. However, the drive makes me nervous. We are leaving when Ben gets off work around 10:30pm & driving the 12ish hours to Florida. Let's just hope these boys will sleep most of the way!

5. I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but I am pretty happy that the crazies of New Jersey are back! I love RHONJ and all of their drama. It makes for some great mindless summer tv!
Tae-bo sounds awesome!
I'm stealing your breakfast idea!
I need to move there so we can watch RHONJ together!
We are heading to FL tonight! (Saturday) Where in FL are you going?!
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