Hello, hello! It's finally Friday. I feel like I have been dragging all week. I've been so tired...I think I'm still recovering from Griffin's birthday party! I'm linking up again with Natasha & some other ladies for 5 on Friday!
1. Griffin's actual birthday was a success! We did all his favorite things: ate donuts for breakfast, had a Chick Fil A lunch date, played with his new toys, & ate pizza for dinner! Can you tell what makes Griff happiest? Food. Haha, that's the way to his little heart!
2. After 4 months of listing our huge sectional on Craigslist, we finally sold it last weekend! It has been in our upstairs bonus room for 3 years and took up way too much room. It has been our playroom since G was a baby but the couch literally took up all the playing room. Now that the huge couch is gone I get to play decorator and make it a real playroom! We bought a much smaller couch today and it should be here in the next few weeks. I'm excited to actually make it look like a real room!

3. I get to this point every summer when I am over the heat & ready for fall. Football, jeans, boots, & scarves. Can I get an amen? (sidenote: how in the world do you embed pinterest imaged now??? I can't figure it out since they've changed everything.)

4. Do you have the Timehop app? If you don't, you should get it. It pulls things from all social media you're on & gives you flashbacks every day of what you have posted in the past. It's crazy. Lately it has been literally making me ache for newborn baby Griffin & little blonde newly big brother G. I looked at it yesterday & it reminded me that exactly one year ago we brought Griffin home from the hospital. He was so fresh & new and, MY GOSH, how was that already one year ago?!
5. Speaking of new babies, here is a legit worry of mine: what if I never feel done?? The non-existing baby #3 is most likely our last but I am so afraid that I will never feel done. I love being pregnant (hush, I know I am weird) and I love that new baby stage. I honestly feel like I could do this a thousand more times. But don't worry, Ben won't allow is to become the Duggars!
I lovveeed the infant stage and have baby fever like WOAH!
Glad that Griffin had a great first birthday!! :) I know how you feel about wanting more babies-I have even started a list of potential names! :) Haha!!
Yeah the Timehop app is the best!
I am amazed at people who loved being pregnant. I didn't HATE it and I certainly had a very easy one but I just didn't love it.
I love that outfit! So pretty!
I'm with you on never feeling done. Unfortunately, biology is against this on us and this could very well be it for us whether we like it or not, but I'm trying to take comfort in the fact that God knows exactly how big or small our family should be. But I have the same fear! I love being pregnant and the baby stage. Maybe you could just be my surrogate? Is that weird? Oh dear.
Happy Friday, sweet friend. ;)
Girl! I have thought the EXACT same thing! What if I never feel done????
I'll come talk you through being done sista. Seriously, I think about how much I miss that newborn stage at least once a day.. I'm ready for you to go for baby number 3 so I can live vicariously through you!
Fall. Yes. Please hurry.
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