Clearly I have been a superb blogger this week. sarcasm. BUT? It's Friday! It's Friday AND my husband is off for the next 3 days. and the people said, holla.
I am linking up with Darci & some other ladies for Five on Friday!
1. The past week & a half have been a doozy. Want to see why?

This, my friends, is what we call the Teething Monster. My poor Griffin was ALL out of sorts for about 10 days. He is usually happy & smiling 90% of the time. He did a switch to screaming 90% of the time. I was so desperate I even took him to the pediatrician on Monday hoping for an ear infection. I'm serious. No such luck. I did learn that his top molars popped through! I think we've gotten past the rough part & have our happy baby back!

2. It's official. I am going to Kentucky to see my blogging sista from another mista in September!! Me & the boys will be venturing up to the country for Carsyn's 3rd birthday party. I can't wait to spend time with one of my favorites & let all four of our kids play!

3. It is almost college football season, y'all!! I'll be putting my Ole Miss flag out next week but this little polo got me really excited yesterday! Have you guys heard of JV Clothiers?? They have the best collegiate clothes for boys! G is ready for the Grove!
4. Two of my best friends have had precious baby boys in the past 2 weeks. I have been asking for regular squishy newborn pictures. This does not bode well for the fever.

5. My favorite part of ages 1 & {almost} 3? THEY PLAY TOGETHER. Makes my mama heart so happy.
Poor Griff!! Hope he's back to himself :(
I'm dealing with a monster myself. I think it's a cold and not teething which makes me sad because that mean we still have teething to work through. Whomp whomp!
I have a teething monster of my own as well, I feel your pain! I almost did the pedi trip hoping for an ear infection as well but thought I'd hod out a bit longer....mothers intuition is telling me I would be sadly mistaken to think it'd be that simple.
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