I'm linking up Darci & gang again for Five on Friday! This is perfect for my very sleepy brain this morning. I need list form:)

1. We had our first MOPS meeting for the year on Wednesday & I am so glad it's back! I just crave that fellowship time so much and Wednesday, right in the middle of the week, is the perfect day for it. So back to school for the big boy & back to MOPS and bible study for the mama...the year is off to a great start! I have blogged about this before, but I highly recommend finding a group of moms in similar stages that you can just do life with. I would seriously be lost without these women. Being a stay at home mom can be so isolating and I love having one morning a week where I get a couple hours of "mama time" that my kids can also enjoy.

2. We are actually out of town right now. Last night we drove to Memphis so we could take the boys to the Memphis Zoo today! G loves our zoo and the Memphis Zoo is so much better. I'm so excited to take the boys this morning. Ben & I haven't been since college!
me & Whit pre-babies! |
3. Memphis is pretty close to Oxford...you know what that means! We are spending our Saturday in the Grove! My best friend, Whit, still lives in Oxford with her husband and they just had a baby boy a few weeks ago. I can't wait to spend the day snuggling that newborn & watching my best friend with her new baby.

4. Do you use Scentsy? If you do, you need to get Honeymoon Hideaway. MY HOUSE SMELLS AMAZING.
5. I've been on and off the Operation Skinny Mama train since I had Griffin. I lost like 9 pounds & gained a few back this summer. I am not the kind of person that pounds just melt off of & it's frustrating. My husband on the other hand? He has cut back to drinking only 1 coke a day & he has been running for like 10 days. He's lost 5.5lbs. For real. I'm proud of him for making a step in the healthy direction...but I also kind of want to smack him. ha! Guess I need to step it up!
1 comment:
Oooh, I haven't smelled Honeymoon Hideaway! :D
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