I love the start of a new year. It always feels like a the slate is wiped clean and we get a fresh start.

I am claiming this verse for 2016. I want this year to be a year of growth for me. I constantly need the reminder that His mercies are new every morning & that God's love for me is unending...even when I am unlovable! I really hate the word "blessed" because it is so overused (ex: I got a new Mercedes. #blessed), BUT, that's how I feel starting out this year. Unbelievably blessed to be the mama of 3 precious kids. I am not a perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination, but if there is one thing I want to get right, it is that my kids grow up hearing a lot about Jesus. I pray that I am a better example of that kind of love to my kids this year.
This will also be a year of simplifying & organizing. Moving helped us simplify some. I am tired of all the stuff...especially since a lot of it is stuff we don't need. I want to purge & make our house more organized & functional.
Oh, and I want to blog more. I am sad that I didn't keep up with Cheney's first year of life as well as I did with the boys. This is like my scrapbook and I want to share all of our memories here again.
Oh, and I want to blog more. I am sad that I didn't keep up with Cheney's first year of life as well as I did with the boys. This is like my scrapbook and I want to share all of our memories here again.
Here's to a great 2016!
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