Well, friends, here we are.
Grayson is going to KINDERGARTEN. I feel like this is his senior picture. My firstborn is looking so grown up these days!
I don't feel like I will be one of those weepy mamas as I drop Grayson off tomorrow. He is so ready for this & has been ready for a long time! I am mostly just excited for him. Excited for him to learn how to read, make new friends, and watch him blossom into a big kid. He is mostly excited about the school bus, his new neon Nike lunch box, P.E, & recess. I'm sure this transition won't be a walk in the park (for any of us) but I am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives.

I ordered this bag tag from my friend, Amy, and it is perfect. (Etsy: One Good Name. Check her out!) These are ALL the things I have been praying over G as he starts this new adventure. I know he will meet kids this year that aren't nice. I know he will be around kids that say words we don't approve of. I know that this year he won't be as sheltered as he has been at our wonderful church preschool. BUT, it is all part of growing up & as hard as it is to let go a little, I know that it is time to. Grayson is more confident as an almost 6 year old than I am as an adult. I am so proud of him. He is such a good kid & I know he will do just fine!
Watch out kindergarten, Grayson is ready for you!
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